SHOP + SEARCH + SHARE nearly 5,000 locally-owned, independent North Carolina businesses in our online community marketplace today!
Our Why
Support Local Communities empowers entrepreneurs of locally-owned independent businesses to be successful by connecting the community with their website, products and services. This in-turn, is leading to long-term relationships, local business growth, job creation and the strengthening of local economic and cultural communities. Additionally, we will be giving 5% of net sale from every product purchased from the online marketplace to locally-founded and locally-ran community non-profit, and charity organizations.
Our How
Internet & Mobile Technologies With Digital Media & Marketing includes free online business listings, maps, social media and a Microsite with high searchability, increased organic SEO results and additional business and services that businesses need to stay visible to consumers who want to search for and shop at locally-owned independent businesses.
Our What
Online Community Marketplaces Marketplace helps consumers easily shop and share products and services from locally-owned businesses, and helps independent businesses gain visibility, make sales, and find support to manage and grow their businesses.
Entrepreneurs Empowering Entrepreneurs
We love local business & provide free online services for them
We love helping consumers find and support local businesses is an entrepreneur based internet and mobile technology start-up founded in 2008 with headquarters at HQ Raleigh in downtown Raleigh, NC. is ONLY focused on locally-owned, independent business owners and entrepreneurs and their online success. That’s why our Moto is LOCALS ONLY! first office in downtown Raleigh NC @ HQ Raleigh in 2012
View Larger Map second office in downtown Raleigh NC @ 512 St. Mary’s Street in 2017
By giving a FREE ad listing locally-owned businesses websites’ in our online marketplace they can be simply shopped, searched and shared by direct site linking, social media, online advertising, event sponsorships and even store front and car decals.
One easy great way to help support other locals and us is to display on your site the Locals Only logo that links back to!
Simply download and post on your site linking to us! Now, it doesn’t have to be on the front page but…that’s the best place for people to see it, if you know what we’re saying 😉
We look forward to helping our local Triangle community continue to grow into a stronger business and jobs creating economy.
Please let us know how we can better provide our services.
Locals Only! – the crew
With teddslist it ‘s free for local businesses to be listed, free for consumers to use it, so freely share it with everyone!